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Z手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Zero Degree Creation Co. Limited

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Z設計 / 電腦動畫Zero Degree Creation

ABOUT US As an I.T. solution provider, Foresight Technology Co. Ltd. offer cost-effective and total solutions that enable companies to achieve smooth business result. Foresight Tech. concentrates on
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DKVN is a software development & consultation company, which was established by in 1995. Our Service include Network Integration, Project Management, System Development, System Design, Multimedia

Wolfman Jack Entertainment Wolfman Jack Entertainment Ltd., a company located in the U.S., has achieved and established its name and successful reputation, for promoting concerts and booking artists.
W旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Wolfman Jack Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd

Conquer Stars Limited (冠之星有限公司) 為一間 擁有豐富經驗, 技術精湛的 香港 IT 軟件設計及程式編寫公司,主力為客戶提供不同類型的網上系統,遊戲及程式編寫 . 務求令客戶可以透過網上的渠道,獲得最大的利潤及回報。而我們擁有一群經驗豐富的編程人員,以及項目管理人員。 絕對能為閣下提供最滿意的服務。 為拓展閣下公司的 業務 及致力提高我們專貴客戶的投資達到最大效益,我們

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We are a full service law firm founded in Hong Kong in 1985. As one of the first law firms licensed by the PRC Ministry of Justice to establish two law offices in the People's Republic of China, in B
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Company is looking for some web design, web programming, printing, business card and IT solutions. If your company would like to have some enhacement on design, profile, mapping and search engine enh

Founded and established in 1992 by the Kwok family. Specializing in reproduction of antique monochromes porcelain such as Oxblood glaze and Dark Blue Glaze, which are both in popular demand in the Mi

HKMI is a mobile motor inspection company that provides professional comprehensive and impartial inspection services on pre-purchased used cars. The ever advancing technologies have meant that the re

大中華地區零售系統專家 Micro2000宗旨: 硬件+軟件+服務 Total Solution, 一個電話幫你解決所有零售系統難題 M2K RMS - 零售管理系統(支援: 批發, 寄賣, 特許經營, 多公司架構, 無線連接, sms通知 ... ) : Micro2000 POS 是一班具幾十年零售經驗的業者及電腦專業人員根據香港零售業的特點而設計開發的. 系統具有快速多變的產品促銷, 豐富

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The SPCA has 6 animal clinics which are located in Wanchai, Ho Man Tin, Sai Kung, Cheung Chau, Mui Wo and Hang Hau.We also run a mobile clinic to cover the remote areas. Our veterinary team treats ov
S寵物 / 獸醫Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

NetMon Information Systems Ltd. is a leading value-added distributor of many cutting edge security technology solutions and products. Founded in 1999, NetMon is providing computer network security so
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How to Achieve 300% Adsense Revenue in 90 Days SEMINAR * Would you like to earn a second income ? * Are you tired of your job and would like to take control of your finances ? * Would you like to giv
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Regus is the world’s largest provider of workplace solutions, offering the widest range of products and services that allow individuals and companies to work however, wherever, and whenever the
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